Prepare Proposal
ORP collaborates with the Principal Investigator (PI) in preparing a proposal by assisting with budgeting, required documentation, and authorized submission.
PIs should contact ORP at least 20 business days prior to submission deadline with a properly detailed initiation packet.
Due to the high volume of research activity, a detailed initiation packet will help to ensure proper attention to and timely submission of all proposals.
For all inquiries about proposal requests and PI initiations forms, contact 十大网赌软件推荐
Access the ORP PI Proposal Initiation Packet
ORP's Proposal Submission Guidelines
SUNY Pre-Award and Compliance System Login
Common Budget Elements
This section defines common budget elements you'll see referenced in applications. We encourage you to familiarize with these terms and their requirements.
Qualifications | PI* | Co-PI |
Assistant Professor | X | |
Associate and Full Professor | X | |
Research Associate | X | |
Librarian and Associate Librarian | X | |
Adjunct | X | |
Visiting | X | |
Post-Doctoral Personnel** | X | |
Research Scientists (RF) | X | |
Emeriti | X | |
Graduate Students** | X |
*be at least half-time, permanent professional employees of SUNY 十大网赌软件推荐.
**Graduate students and Post-Doctoral Associates may serve as the application PI when
seeking fellowships, dissertation support, or other programs specifically designating
this arrangement. In these cases, a regular faculty member must be named as the Campus
PI, who is responsible for seeing that the terms of the grant or contract are fulfilled.
Exceptions to this policy may be sought by petition to the Office of Research Program through the unit Chair/Director. The Vice President for Research, in conjunction with the appropriate Chair or Director, may grant exceptions where they advance the College's research program. Issues to be considered in these cases may include availability of space and equipment, risk of default, and contribution to the College mission.
Cost-sharing represents unrecovered costs (a subsidy) provided or sacrificed by the college or a third party to meet the proposed project’s overall budgetary requirements. ORP policy is to provide cost-share only in instances where the sponsor requires mandatory matching contributions, not to exceed sponsor requirements.
Depending on the type and level of cost-sharing, these subsidies must be approved by either ORP, Office of Research Finance, the Provost, or the President. To be sure the appropriate approvals are in place prior to proposal submission, the PI must discuss the matching requirements initially with their SPA as soon as possible. Under no circumstances should the PI or Co-PI provide an estimate of costs or cost-sharing to the sponsor in advance of budget development with their SPA.
Senior Personnel
Budgeting for senior personnel is calculated based on current salary with a 3% increase
included for inflation or raises.
Salaries and associated fringe benefits of SUNY employees who perform services on Research Foundation-administered sponsored projects while remaining on the SUNY payroll are reimbursed by the Research Foundation to SUNY through the Income Fund Reimbursable (IFR) process. This is an RF SUNY process for all SUNY campuses, not just 十大网赌软件推荐.
The Standard rate is 5% for PI and 3% for Co-PI (but may change based on the level of their involvement). If PI would like to reduce IFR, the PI needs to submit a request with justification to SPA that is sent for review by VPR/OM/Director.
Summer salary may be included in proposal budgets for academic year faculty only.
Note: Some sponsors such as NSF restrict the number of months of salary recovery. For specific details please contact your SPA.
Other Personnel
HR establishes the most current rate minimums for all other staff. A 3% annual increase
to current rates will be included in the budget.
“Other personnel” includes regular employees, post-doctoral assistants/associates/researchers (maximum contract period is five years), summer employees, graduate students, and undergraduate students.
Research Project Assistant (RPA) positions are for graduate students at a 50% full-time employee rate with tuition remission. Hourly graduate students are not eligible for tuition remission. There are several student titles within the graduate student category; please work with your SPA to select the correct designation.
Undergraduate Students
Line to be used for 十大网赌软件推荐 or other SUNY students, not students from another non-SUNY
Fringe-benefit rates are based on current SUNY RF rates approved by DDS. Access SUNY’s fringe benefit rates here >
Summer Employees can only be hired outside of the academic commitment period. If the staff member is extended beyond Sept. 30, the entire appointment must be updated to charge the regular employee fringe rate.
Equipment is defined as one item acquisition cost $5,000 or more, and useful life of one year or more.
Alternately, if multiple pieces of equipment operate independently and each one is below $5,000, it would fall under materials and supplies. If it does qualify as equipment, ensure to budget insurance and maintenance costs.
Please provide travel location information to your SPA. Some state awards do not allow out-of-state travel and for foreign travel, destinations must be pre-identified.
This category of a budget includes funds to support programming for audiences that will receive training/mentoring/professional development from the staff on the proposal.
This includes direct costs such as stipends, travel, subsistence, activities for participants or trainees in connection with conferences or training projects.
This does not include materials to facilitate programming for participants or travel/subsistence for staff who are facilitating programming.
Contractor selection for budgeting purposes should be the best estimation based on price reasonableness. Additional procurement steps may be required during the pre-award period.
SPA must be in contact with all subaward institutions as fast as possible to solidify their budgets.
Tuition will be budgeted at the weighted average rate for each Research Project Assistant budgeted at an appointment level of 50% FTE or prorated in accordance with Graduate School policy.
A 4% increase to the current tuition rate will be calculated each year.
Please follow the links below for the current SUNY 十大网赌软件推荐 annual rate listing by fiscal
year on the RF SUNY site:
Federal Rates - MTDC Base: The table provides the rates to be applied to a Modified
Total Direct Cost base. Access it here >
Non-Federal Rates - TDC Base: The table provides the rates to be applied to a Total
Direct Cost base. Access it here >
Exceptions to these budgeting practices are allowed on a case-by-case basis, depending on the type of agreement (see distinctions below), and need to be submitted to your SPA and approved by the necessary parties.
This budgeting process is used for contracts and grants administered by ORP.
Universal Identifiers
Legal Name
The Research Foundation for SUNY with place of business at SUNY 十大网赌软件推荐
The Research Foundation for SUNY
P.O. Box 9
35 State Street
Albany, NY
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
1 Forestry Drive
Syracuse, NY 13210-2712
Type of Applicant/Organization
M: Nonprofit with 501 (c)(3) Status (Other than Institution of Higher Education)
IRS Determination Letter
I.R.S Employer Identification Number (EIN) | 14-1368361
Dun and Bradstreet Number (DUNS)| 152606125
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) | LVVEB3CF8MB8
Cognizant Federal Government Agency
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Contact: Ryan McCarthy; (212) 264-2069
Indirect Cost Rate Agreement
Congressional District
Applicant: NY-020
On-Campus Project: NY-022
ORP Award Notice Contact Information
(315) 470-6606